Thursday, June 04, 2009

this is called totally and utterly fucked up

dont be alarmed by this explicit title ladies and gentlemen..this is just a gimmick to grab your attention..tomorrow i will be heading to P.D for my family gathering, and i am pretty sure i'll die on my way there..dont ask me why, its just a gut if i owe anybody any money,please do claim it from my parents or you could just do the bigger thing and kira halal je la hehe..

anyways on a brighter note,if i do survive the trip tomorrow,i sure hope i will have a blast..nothing comforts me more then spending quality time with my family members (note:i used quality, instead of quantity because too much time with your family will definitely ruin your social life)..i will post something up regarding this weekend's boom bada boom-bastic event, and a few interesting snapshots or not videos of the whole sunny ordeal..

but if u are in my facebook friend list then you are privilidged enough to look at more pictures of this super duper event which includes a whole lot of me!! stay tuned..will blog ASAP..


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